So, whatever may be the situation, whatever anyone may say, I simply pray that I may be known as one of your insignificant followers and that in this way I may know that Krishna that you know. Any other Krishna, we are not worried about, the Krishna in all His
We don't want to scare anybody, but people should be conscious that these are serious things. Material world is a serious place. You do an activity, you get a reaction. In the same way is, you do spiritual activities, you can get great spiritual benefit, or you can get some
Reading from Jaiva Dharma: Then the saintly sannyasi respectfully said, 'Oh, master, my heart is filled with conviction that the Mayavada theory is shallow and unimportant. Any doubt I had about that is now thrown far away by your mercy. Still, I myself wear the garments of a Mayavada sannyasi.
The whole problem of the Mahabharata is all based on passion, that sets the whole scene for the Mahabharata. So we see that this attachment of the senses, attachment to name, fame, they just make trouble. Whatever trouble we have in our life, it’s because of these things, because of
So the spiritual master is satisfied when he sees devotees eating Bhagavat-prasad, so this is one of the ornaments of a devotee, as he advances he is happy to see others eat. So those who become happy in seeing others eat or at least who are in a positive mood
LECTURE CONTENT NOTES #1-#3 Puja classes 16-18 Apr 1998 Srila Prabhupada's letter on cleanliness Sikha #4 Puja class 21st Apr 1998 Dressing etiquette for women Cloth cleanliness for Deity worship Cleanliness standards for cotton, silk and woolen clothes Difference between cleanliness and purity
The husband and wife are 100% equal at the time of conception of a child because it takes both of them equally to create a child. To conceive a child it's completely 50/50, there is a complete equality at that time. So the whole idea in the Vedic culture, because