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Working Under Troubling Authorities

Generally, most places, most authorities do engage people in proper activities, though they as persons may be hard to deal with, so as long as that is there, then it is an opportunity to develop humility, tolerance, forgiveness.

Relationship, Duty and Fear

Kṛṣṇa is always saying, ‘Perform your duty,’ because then there is a relationship. But otherwise, [Arjuna] is leaving the battle out of fear of loss. It seems very nice that he is going and giving up, and compassion, and going to the forest, but it is actually fear of loss.

How To Check If We Are Really Surrendered

Prabhupāda doesn’t go, ‘Oh, a bunch of dirty hippies, what can we do?’ No, he sees that they have caught this aspect of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, therefore then he cultivates. That is why he could do it and his Godbrothers couldn’t.

If It Breaks Faith, It Is Not Truth

Without faith you cannot move forward. But because we are coming from a faithless background, therefore breaking of faith is normal. Dogs bark and mundaners break faith.

What Is So Hidden in the Vedas?

There are so many ślokas that prove that Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So what is so hidden in the Veda?

Neophytes Associating With Seniors

That association is good for hearing and chanting or just rendering service. But when we go into that association dragging behind us this very large bag of all of our material baggage, that’s where the tiring comes.

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Eternally Perfect Gurus and the Challenges With Zonal Ācāryas

Unless there is faith in Guru and Vaiṣṇavas, it can’t function. Because fault is easy to find. Anyone can find fault in the moon, but no poet does that. Means, if someone sits around and criticizes the Moon, what cultured person will take that person seriously?

Justice and Liberation

Until you can go beyond justice, you can’t get out of the material world. Because justice means profit and loss, gain and and safety, that’s what justice is for. Justice is to maintain the principle of gain and safety. But it’s not spiritual, unless it is connected to Kṛṣṇa.

“He Will Protect Me No Matter What”

Prahlāda knows, ‘He will protect me, no matter what. Even if He doesn’t protect me, what does it matter? I will go back to Him, I will always be with Him.’

On Serving One’s Guru

The neophyte thinks self-centered, because they feel themselves are important. Therefore the Guru’s importance is there because the Guru is connected to me. So the neophytes tend to fight over the importance of who is serving their Guru. Because I am serving my Guru, the whole world stops and everybody should understand that.

Why Nobody Talks About Protecting Brāhmanas

When all five – cows, brāhmanas, women, children and old people – are taken together as important, that is called human. If you just take one of them and make an issue out of that, that is a mundane social-political position, that’s all.

Mahābhārata Videos

Video lecture series on the Mahābhārata by Bhaktivedānta Academy Courses