MAN WOMAN INTERACTION LECTURE #9 Eger, Hungary Prabhu: So sometimes arguments become a fight, and does it mean that a fight, any tense argument where there is shouting, speaking going on...
Gain from the mentor what they can do. A language teacher can teach language, a math teacher can teach math, a history teacher can teach history. So, like that, you go to language teacher for language, not for math. If they know what they are talking about in marriage, then
Prabhu: In the lectures here as you gave in 1997 you said that the husband should act as a temple president, and the wife as a temple commander. Could you explain? HH BVPS Maharaja: Are you sure? I would have probably said, the husband is like the GBC, the wife
Mataji: If the husband or the wife cannot be faithful to the other, whose fault is this? The fault of both or just one? HH BVPS Maharaja: This is a very dangerous yatra [Laughter]. It can be both. It's very complex, this one, it takes a great amount of maturity
MAN WOMAN INTERACTION LECTURE #10 Eger, Hungary HH BVPS Maharaja: Any more squash subjects? Prabhu: You mentioned, Maharaja, that the women have to feel that the men are attached to them, but you also said that it actually should be that the women are more attached to men
Prabhu: When we read in the Bhagavatam that Krishna appears in all species of life to call back the living entities, how to understand this? HH BVPS Maharaja: Means? Oh, okay. Means, we've already seen Him come as a Fish, as a Turtle, as a Boar, like that. So every
Prabhu: It often happens that if a man preaches nicely to a woman, to a Mataji, then the Mataji will feel that this man would make a nice husband for me, so how can we avoid this? Not to preach? By not preaching to women, or by preaching in not
MAN WOMAN INTERACTION LECTURE #1 Eger, Hungary Over the next few days we will be discussing various aspects of Krishna consciousness. The main point is that one is trying to get back to Godhead, and so it's a very plausible goal, but one has to be very realistic. Realistic
HH BVPS Maharaja: All the Dharma Shastra does is go through the practical day-to-day life of an aspiring sadhaka and then what he can do to bring his life fully in line with God consciousness. Does that make some sense? So that's the principle that's going on. So it's not
Secondary creation, that's where you are actually dealing with the material world, that's where things are actually functioning. So this is where you have to make the connection. Means, the origin is always on the other side of the Viraja river, but the connection is always on this side. Philosophy,