CHAPTER 19 started 18th Apr 2016 Lecture 3 at 22 min 10s Universe is laid out as it is for various stage of development of Krishna consciousness. Earthly plane is mainly meant for Krishna consciousness.
CHAPTER 18 started 14th Apr 2016 Lecture 1 starting at about 00:41:48 Understanding of the Lord only comes when He reveals Himself. Any level of understanding of the Lord is because He has revealed it. God is a person, He already has what He likes to do. Rhetorical questions are
CHAPTER 17 started on 12th Apr 2016 Lecture 2 at about 47:25 Verses 1-10 Everywhere in the Holy Dhama there is the water of the Ganges, but still bathing directly in her brings out a more personal aspect. Ganga skips most varshas in her descent, so we are very fortunate to
CHAPTER 16 started on 11th Apr 2016 Lecture 3 at about 01:08:15 Geographical knowledge of the universe only has value if we discuss it as an expansion of the energy of the Lord. Vedic speakers and listeners can remember things without taking any notes. There is the gross form how
It is not based on spiritual values. No one should fool themselves on this. It is based purely on social values, modern social values, that the women should be dīkṣā-gurus. 23rd January 2015, Bhaktivedanta Academy, Sri Mayapur Dhama Reading from Srimad Bhagavatam Study Guide: 23. The Supreme Lord continued: "The Emperor Svāyambhuva Manu, the son of Lord Brahmā, who is well known for his righteous acts, has his seat in Brahmāvarta and rules over the earth with its seven 16th January 2015, Bhaktivedanata Academy, Sri Mayapur Dhama Reading from Srimad Bhagavatam Study guide: "Devotional service to His lotus feet is the root cause of all perfections a person can find in heaven, in liberation and in the subterranean regions and on earth (SB 10.81.19). It is further explained
One only notices qualities one has. Now, you might notice them in the positive or in the negative. So you associate with those you see in the positive, but you have to be careful that the negative that you are seeing is actually negative and it's not just that one
Institution is necessary because you are dealing with neophytes, the evil is the neophytes themselves. It is not that the system itself is the problem, it is the system how it is used by the neophyte mentality. If the institution is used for one's own purpose, that's the evil.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is very kind, in that He manifested. Because they [the Shyamakunda and Radhakunda] were there, nobody knew about them, He could have just left it that way. Because here is the highest position, Govardhana is there, the highest spot, but within Govardhana then Radhakunda and Shyamakunda.