We think simple means no opulence. But in the Vedic the opulence is designed for the mode of goodness. We say marble is very expensive, but from the Vedic perspective it’s very pure. It’s more pure the gold. So it’s simpler because a floor of gold would be quite expensive.
We forget that there are 14 planetary systems, 13 of them, all they do is following Vedic culture, and on this planetary system, the 14th, there are 9 islands and 8 of them are following Vedic culture. All it leaves is this part of one of the islands where people
The rules that do matter are where we don't care, and the ones that don't really matter, that becomes the 'make it or break it' deal. So these things, peacock feather, the fall of the soul, these things, these are not actually important issues. But they make them into it,
Attachment to sexual activities keeps you in the material world. The point is to give it up, not transfer it. Being in the material world is wrong, so no situation in the material world they should champion and try to make it special.
6th May 2016 Lecture 3 http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/2016/05/20160506_SB206_1.43-1.53_Ajamila_Visnudutas_Attitude_Nama_Namabhasa.mp3 Yamaraja is death personified, and he does not get stopped by anyone. The chanting of the Holy Name is not restricted. No rule given in the Vedas ever get in the way of devotional service. They only get in the way if we think
CHAPTER 23 started 25th Apr 2016 Lecture 1 at 08 min 40 s http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/2016/05/20160425_SB205_3.95-3.103_Sisumara.mp3 v.1-9 From 4th Canto onwards descriptions are always connected to the Lord as a person and His desire. The movements of stars and planets are complex so we do not become bored trying to figure them out.
CHAPTER 22 started 22nd Apr 2016 Lecture 2 http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/2016/05/20160422_SB205_3.86-3.93_Sun.mp3 The Lord establishes what is auspicious and what is inauspicious. Calculating auspicious and inauspicious times makes us think, but actually all situations are supposed to be about the Lord, not just what's auspicious and inauspicious for us.
CHAPTER 21 started 22nd Apr 2016 Lecture 1 http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/2016/05/20160422_SB205_3.78-3.86_Lokaloka_Aloka.mp3 The Universe is set up the way Lord likes it, for the elevation of the living entities, therefore there are different places and different mentalities. We must follow the Vedas, but the whole point of the Vedas is to perform our duties
CHAPTER 20 started 21st Apr 2016 Lecture 2 http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/2016/05/20160421_SB205_3.67-3.70_Plaksadvipa.mp3 If we accept sabda, with time we will have the anumana (kind-of understanding) and then pratyaksha - direct perception of what was heard.
CHAPTER 19 started 18th Apr 2016 Lecture 3 at 22 min 10s http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/2016/05/20160418_SB205_3.49-3.55_Hanuman.mp3 Universe is laid out as it is for various stage of development of Krishna consciousness. Earthly plane is mainly meant for Krishna consciousness.