Full lecture transcription [link not active yet]

  • Honoring the wife and son of the teacher.
  • Senior students in the Gurukula should also be honored.
  • Teachers who teach great number of students, teach 10 of them, and they teach younger students.
  • It is generally not recommended to take more than 12 students.
  • Assisting in bath, taking remnants etc are not done for the teacher's wife and son.
  • After 20 years of age (at the age where one is aware and male and female interaction) one should not touch the feet of Guru's wife.
  • Materially elevated people may be more refined and sense-controlled, but only devotee can be free from material desires.
  • One should not stay in a lonely place even with one's mother, sister or daughter.
  • Manu gives standard human culture.
  • If Guru's wife is elderly, the student may render services to her just like a son, but if she is younger, he should not do so.
  • In the Vedic system there are the most restrictions on grihasthas, since they have the idea that women are enjoyable. There are not so many rules for other orders.
  • Elements of celibacy are explained in most detail in the description of brahmachari ashrama.
  • Only in more developed cultures social interaction does not have to be flirting.
  • In Vedic culture woman is seen as mother, with respect. As one has relationship with one's mother, one has that relationship with all women. But when women are seen as sex symbols, it actually reduces interaction and relationships.
  • A list of laws deal with every aspect, not leaving anything uncovered. We may never come across all those situations, but kings do.
  • Manu is the complete social science mechanics.
  • If we understand the principles, it is not difficult to follow many rules. Just like there are innumerable recipes, but one who knows the principle of cooking can see what's available and put things together.
  • Grihastha ashrama is founded on brahmachari ashrama, where respect is a very essential quality.
  • Many times people have problems in relationships because they don't catch the principle of respect.
  • It is always emphasized that wife follows the husband, but even man also follows his Guru. He followed Guru as a brahmachari, and continues to follow as a grihastha.
  • In varna one might be a big person, but in ashrama one is always submissive.
  • Culture is everything about our life what we do and how we use things in Krishna consciousness.
  • Everything in the creation is feminine, and one is trying to enjoy everything. Therefore rules for dealing with women pertain to all living entities who have taken a masculine mood and looking at the world for their enjoyment.
  • Whatever one wants to enjoy, one actually has to act like a servant and follow the proper rules to make things work.
  • We can assist the material energy to make things happen.
  • Masculine idea is to do something to get a result; feminine nature is to be involved in something to get an experience.
  • The Lord does not have a problem that we see His energy and we want to do something with it, the problem is that we are leaving Him out of it.

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