Full lecture transcription [link not active yet] http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/ms102/2012-04-10-Brihad-Manu-Siksa-4.5-63.mp3 One who has grain, but is not giving anything to brahmanas is like a killer of brahmanas. General tax that goes to the king is 1/6th. In emergencies the king may take up to 1/4th. Business is half truth, half lie, because
Full lecture transcription [link not active yet] http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/ms102/2012-04-02-Brihad-Manu-Siksa-3.35-62.mp3 Progeny from various rites of marriage liberate various numbers of family generations from sin. Boy's side approaching the girl is not as good as girl's side approaching the boy. Blameless marriages produce blameless children, blamable marriage produce blamable children.
Full lecture transcription [link not active yet] http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/ms102/2012-04-02-Brihad-Manu-Siksa-3.04-35.mp3 The Law of Marriage Student should preferably have completed both his study and his vow. The nature of the family takes on the quality of the woman, because she manages then home environment. If both man and woman are untrained, it is
http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/ms102/2012-03-29-Brihad-Manu-Siksa-2.208-217.mp3 Full lecture transcription [link not active yet] Honoring the wife and son of the teacher. Senior students in the Gurukula should also be honored. Teachers who teach great number of students, teach 10 of them, and they teach younger students. It is generally not recommended to take more than
http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/ms102/2012-03-20-Brihad-Manu-Siksa-2.48-82.mp3 Full lecture transcription [Link not active yet] The rules of begging. Brahmana starts begging with bhavati - first respect, then activity, then result. Kshatriya first states the activity, then respect, then result. Vaishya fist states the benefit, then activity, then respect. Within upanayanam samskara first alms are given by
Lecture audio, this passage starting about 19:20 http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/noi102/2011-11-25-NOI-37.mp3 HH BVPS Maharaja: Men there is sanyasa, women there is reclusion. Because it's just a matter of, you just kind-of fade into the background. Because the point is is, the woman is prominent when all the facility is there, the emotions, the senses,
Mataji: What is your view of Matajis doing full dandavats? HH BVPS Maharaja: Ahh, if they want, they can... Problem is is, see, Gaudiyas generally don't. Others do, but the Gaudiyas generally are not so... See, there is Vaishnavas in general, then you have your peculiarities of the group, or
http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/noi102/2011-11-24-NOI-32-33-masculine-feminine-principle.mp3 This course is part of Sastra-Caksus, Year 2 and consists of 25 lectures, available on: http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/classes/noi-thematic/ Given in Bhaktivedanta Academy, Sridham Mayapur November-December 2011 The following are lecture notes briefly delineating its contents One should not be excessively attached to association with women, even with one's own wife. Improper
http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year1/bg101/2011-03-31-BVPS-BG-18.71-77-Mayas-job-and-way-of-dealing.mp3 This course is part of Sastra-Caksus, Year 1 and consists of 91 lectures, available on: http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/classes/bhagavad-gita-seriatim/ Given in Bhaktivedanta Academy, Sridham Mayapur, September 2010-April 2011 The following are lecture notes briefly delineating its contents. Even those people who do not plan to attain pure devotion will be elevated by
http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year1/bg101/2011-03-14-BVPS-BG-18.42-18.48-Varnasrama-details-brahmacaries-presidents-begging.-Feminine-and-masculine-NF.mp3 This course is part of Sastra-Caksus, Year 1 and consists of 91 lectures, available on: http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/classes/bhagavad-gita-seriatim/ Given in Bhaktivedanta Academy, Sridham Mayapur, September 2010-April 2011 The following are lecture notes briefly delineating its contents. Ishvara-bhava means protection of the citizens. One who does not protect is not a kshatriya