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"We have to learn from the Founder what it means by 'We chant Hare Krishna, we don't care for the rules.' Because the point is is all the rules that we don't care about Prabhupada has already removed. [Laughter] So what's left is what he expects us to follow. And
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"In dealing with the Lord, the mode of goodness is the recommended element that the time factor is establishing because that's the present, that's acting in an appropriate way in the present moment. So that's what's going to get results done. Why the present? Why not past and future? Because
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Why Women Can Be Śikṣā, but Not Dīkṣā Gurus?
It is not based on spiritual values. No one should fool themselves on this. It is based purely on social values, modern social values, that the women should be dīkṣā-gurus.
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"It's taken that, oh, we are down on women, but no, it's actually the opposite. It's that because of the value they have to be dealt with in a different way. But unscrupulous men who don't understand the culture, but they've been raised by women who don't understand the culture
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"In the contemporary environment, due to the neophyte mentality, there isn’t a proper respect for siksa-guru. Because to have respect for siksa-guru, means, you have to have respect for the principle of authority and that knowledge is the highest. (..) If siksa-guru is respected, that means all senior Vaishnavas, and
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"In the contemporary environment, due to the neophyte mentality, there isn’t a proper respect for siksa-guru. Because to have respect for siksa-guru, means, you have to have respect for the principle of authority and that knowledge is the highest. (..) If siksa-guru is respected, that means all senior Vaishnavas, and
Read More 23rd January 2015, Bhaktivedanta Academy, Sri Mayapur Dhama Reading from Srimad Bhagavatam Study Guide: 23. The Supreme Lord continued: "The Emperor Svāyambhuva Manu, the son of Lord Brahmā, who is well known for his righteous acts, has his seat in Brahmāvarta and rules over the earth with its seven
Read More 16th January 2015, Bhaktivedanata Academy, Sri Mayapur Dhama Reading from Srimad Bhagavatam Study guide: "Devotional service to His lotus feet is the root cause of all perfections a person can find in heaven, in liberation and in the subterranean regions and on earth (SB 10.81.19). It is further explained
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One only notices qualities one has. Now, you might notice them in the positive or in the negative. So you associate with those you see in the positive, but you have to be careful that the negative that you are seeing is actually negative and it's not just that one
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The Role of the Institution in Choosing One’s Spiritual Master
Institution is necessary because you are dealing with neophytes, the evil is the neophytes themselves. It is not that the system itself is the problem, it is the system how it is used by the neophyte mentality. If the institution is used for one's own purpose, that's the evil.
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