The best photographers, cinematographers are invisible, you don’t see them, they come in, they get their shot, they leave, you don’t know. The worst ones are the ones because they have a camera they are the center of the universe, everyone has got to move and adjust.
- February 27, 2009
'This is what I feel, if I can find other people that feel like that, that’s truth.' Because of the identifying so strongly, as we are saying here, with the modern culture, especially the Protestant, as the prominent element of the First World culture... Means it doesn’t mean... You can
- February 17, 2009
"This [Vedanta] psychology is not something separate from what you are used to hearing. It’s just that it’s not necessarily taken as its own topic. Psychology, basically, it’s based in the root, the psyche, means is actually the soul. But in your modern psychology and philosophies they can’t actually tell
- February 12, 2009
Prabhu: If a person doesn’t wear clothes in the wintertime and gets sick thinking that he is very austere, and so he doesn’t need to wear almost anything, that is also based on ignorance? HH BVPS Maharaja: Yes, based on ignorance. Austerity means the proper performance of your duty.
- December 16, 2008
Kṛṣṇa, Who, being God, could eat anything, He has chosen these particular things to eat because out of all the different tastes they are the most developed and refined. So it is a nice direction to go towards. But I would say more important is to learn how to cook.
- November 25, 2008
A little knowledge is dangerous. So you have to have enough knowledge, then you stop being dangerous.
- November 21, 2008
Prabhu (1): Why do we have so much faith in external results and not in relationships?
- October 31, 2008
Why should we have study of the sastras? Why should we have organized classes in which people then study this knowledge and get degrees? To get degrees, to increase our prestige, make outside people think that we are educated. But that is not the purpose. The purpose is to develop
- October 28, 2008
"Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence; tolerance; simplicity; approaching a bonafide spiritual master; cleanliness; steadiness; self-control; renunciation of the objects of sense gratification; absence of false ego; the perception of the evil of birth, death, old age, and disease; detachment; freedom from entanglement with children, wife, home and the rest; even-mindedness amid pleasant
- October 27, 2008