SB 7.1 The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone
19th Sep 2016 Lecture 1
  •  First 6 cantos describe samanya-bhakti - what devotional service is and what it is not.

  • Second 6 describe how to distinguish within devotion.
  • Everything that works is devotional service.
  • Activities without devotion is karma.
  • Understanding without devotion is jnana.
  • Any activity and any knowledge may be or may not be devotional service.
  • Maharaja Prthu, Rishabhadeva etc see their karma-kanda yajnas as devotional service.
  • Technically there is no material world, there is only material consciousness.
  • From 7th canto we see how to improve devotional service.
  • First 6 cantos explain how to not forget Krishna.
  • Second 6 - how to always remember Krishna.
  • Through what Sukadeva Gosvami is giving in the Bhagavatam we can actually see the entire universe - therefore he is called the eye of the universe.
  • Everything that works is a reflection of the spiritual world, but it's only spiritual if it is connected to Krishna.
  • The followers of the Vedas are always prosperous.
  • In Krishna consciousness one is master of the universe, above the 3 modes of nature.
  • Krishna is the controller of the service of the devotees to keep them happy.
  • The field that the bhakti is growing in is the nice qualities of the devotees.
  • Vasudeva means knowledge of Sankarshana, attitude of Pradyumna, with the goal of Aniruddha.
  • Mixed bhakti moves forward if we try to understand what is the mix and trying to increase bhakti.
  • By interest in Vraja-bhakti, following Lord Caitanya, one can even get to Vaikuntha quicker.
  • If the intent is pure we look at mishra-bhakti in a positive way.
  • Children can sit on anybody's lap, even if the parent is grumpy.
  • Rules must be supporting relationships. Ascending process will never get to relationship.
  • Ascending without bhakti gives impersonalism. Descending without bhakti - sahajiya.
  • Here we will try to understand which aspect of bhakti is favorable, which is not.
  • We are using techniques to please the Lord, but at some point we have to give up attachment to the technique.
  • 0:55 Grihastha travelling with brahmachari
  • Pratijna
  • Prarartha-anumana - explaining to others
  • Svartha-anumana - explaining to oneself
  • 2nd part can be reason, or it can be doubt.
  • There is point, and there is reason. The doubt may also have its reason, etc.
  • Examples are given in the 3rd part to counter the doubts - obvious or possible.
  • We have doubts, but we present them properly. Opposing the Vedic version is atheistic.
  • Doubts arise because of not seeing the transcendental position.
  • In the material world we never trust the mind intimately. We may have worked out one area, but may fall in another.
  • Vidura wanted to know more about apara-vidya connected to Krishna.
  • Proper discussions are referred to by Srila Sukadeva Gosvami.
  • Starting from the 7th Canto, Paravastu incarnations are introduced (quoting from Tattva Sandarbha, Laghu Bhagavatamrita).
  • Parikshit Maharaja feigns anger that Vishnu was partial and Diti became upset, so he asks why the Lord does not protect the demons.
  • We hear shabda but it should come down into the activities and in the knowledge itself.
  • Vastava-vastu - the 'really real mercy.'
  • The Lord being beyond the gunas, for Him there is nothing to gain from the demigods and nothing to lose from demons.
  • Maharaja Parikshit asks for positive evidence.
  • Affection for Krishna makes the primary, but secondary consists of liberated position and activities for Krishna consciousness.
  • Enmity - opposing worldviews.
  • Competition - sharing the same goals.
  • In the material world we usually only do duties to get results.
  • Krishna is already the Supreme, so He does not feel favorable and unfavorable situations for Him becoming the Supreme.
  • One does not have to worry which gunas become prominent due to the time factor.
  • The external potency does not arise from the Lord's svarupa.
  • The Lord is never transformed - His shakti is.
20th Sep 2016 Lecture 1
  • The living entities are nondifferent from the Lord, but due to intelligence they see a difference.
  • The Lord only deals with the internal potency, and that transforms.
  • Brahma-parinama-vada is lacking in intelligence.
  • Pastimes of Brahman are not supposed to be miserable.
  • Jiva-shakti is always there, but it's part of Krishna, and there might be a point in time when we are manifest.
  • Mundane concept needs time and place.
  • Ultimate primary is Krishna. From energies hladini-shakti is primary.
  • Krishna only expands, but energy expands and transforms.
  • Radha and Krishna are only busy in Their pastimes, but Their energies do everything.
  • Everybody has the 3 features of Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan aspects, but for Krishna it is complete.
  • Transformations of energies are always there, just like there is always juice in the orange, but at some point it can be manifested. The principle of orange is always there.
  • One can unlimitedly discuss details, but main point is for us to accept that Krishna is God, while we are not. Otherwise it becomes inquisitiveness of a 3-year old.
  • Impersonalists are leaving out that they themselves as an individual are having a problem.
  • Lord's desire is based on His nature, therefore it is independent. Jiva's desire is based on the environment, therefore dependent.
  • As devotee advances, he is more connected to Krishna and internal potency, so less dependent upon the environment.
  • Knowledge gives strength (jnana and bala go together in Sankarshana), but without Pradyumna, Anirudha and Vasudeva one has no culture.
  • 00:45 If saree is not devotional service, there is 2 paths one may take - wear it to please Krishna, or not wear it because it's not our background.
  • Saree and gopiskirt - Standard gagra is 50 mts, 30 mts is still ok. When reduced down, it becomes gopi skirt. The full gagra was worn with a full saree, later it got reduced down to just a dupatta.
  • A saree is more formal than gopiskirt.
  • Full gagra with full saree as dupatta is formal.
  • Nivi style is an informal style of wearing a saree.
  • What is inherently Western? They were just tribal. All culture came from somewhere else.
  • Arjuna's eyes became red when capturing Ashvatthama, since he is taking lead in this pastime.
  • Not being affected by the environment means not seeing things according to mundane perspective. We do become more aware as we progress, but we see things more on the platform of jnana.
  • Only by hearing from authorities we can see the transformations of the Lord's energies.
  • Even hladini potency creates trouble for the jiva without connection to Krishna.
  • In the Vedic system we have duties, so we always add some goodness. Life goes on in a stable way, and we get future goodness.
  • All gates illumined by knowledge mans they are clean and properly engaged.
  • In the long run the mode of goodness triumphs.
  • The modes of nature have been 'adjusting ads for us' since time immemorial.
  • Results of the mode of goodness take time to manifest, but in Krishna consciousness things happen as quickly as possible.
  • Krishna is not interested in the modes of passion and ignorance. We get pushed away from Him by them.
  • "When one is hungry, any hell will do"
  • Using a worse thing when a better thing is available will push us away from Krishna.
  • As long as it's 60% goodness we call it goodness.
20th Sep 2016 Lecture 2
  • We advance by Krishna's blessings, not by any material understanding.
  • In one sense, grihasthas have more opportunity to connect to Krishna than others, but they have to be more expert and more careful.
  • We get liberated when we please Krishna.
  • Enviousness is always the mode of ignorance. 'No one can follow,' 'No one can do this,' - even though the acaryas say it is proper.
  • Inability to tell right from wrong is born from multitude of desires, it is the mode of passion. One wants to leave one's options open. It's about sense gratification, not about getting something done. 'Everybody should be given a chance' - mass abhishekas.
  • The most liberal, and most about the people are the most impersonal.
  • Passion wants that things are there for everybody, so that one has options, but one actually does not want to do anything.
  • Those who think they are on the cutting edge cannot be changed, just as one feigning sleep cannot be awoken.
  • Demigods get distracted, but it's more structured. Yakshas and rakshasas don't have any regulation - anything can be done any time - no Sun. Lower planets are like being in the airport. Airports, malls etc where there are always lights and sense gratification going on are more advanced on the demoniac platform.
  • Whatever the person appreciates, it is all Krishna, and so it can be connected to Krishna.
  • Knowledge and detachment are developing, good qualities increasing - one is progressing.
  • We are dependent upon the modes, but the Lord just uses them.
  • Krishna is not controlled by time - He danced with the gopis for a night of Lord Brahma, but for others it was an ordinary night.
  • Some moments we touch Brahman, and it feels like eternity, but we cannot stay on Brahman platform for long.
  • By coming to transcendental platform, external situation may not change, but we are no longer affected by it.
  • For Krishna the different turns of the situation are just fun.
  • Pandavas are under Yogamaya, Duryodhana in the same pastime - under Mahamaya.
  • Krishna likes the concept of past, present and future.
  • Vrtrasura is under Yogamaya, but his body is controlled by Mahamaya.

22nd Sep 2016 Lecture 1

  • Krishna does whatever it takes to purify and uplift the person. The Lord's killing of the demons is therefore actually nice.
  • Actually the main point of the great sacrifices are hearing and chanting - there are always discussions going on


  • Unless one accepts authority, one cannot tell rasa from rasabhasa.
  • In the spiritual world the rasas, the relationships are always consistent.
  • When child says they hate the parent, it's still they are fully dependent and looking up to parents, so it's still within the rasa.
  • In conditioned state we think if secondary things go in a particular way we will be happy. But actually we should be looking how our relationship with Krishna is developing.
  • Primary rasas are very rare or none in the material world.
  • Demons are using negative secondary medium, so they get negative secondary results.
  • Here we are looking within.
  • Dealing in secondary gives secondary result.
  • Hiranyakashipu appreciates Vishnu, hating Prahlada is connected to that.
  • We are attached to our conditioning, so we are affected by praise and insult.
  • Guru's praise and chastisement.
  • Spiritual is still expressed through the medium of the gross and subtle body.
  • If we accept tradition and authority, there is more strength in the Sankarshana aspect.
  • Praise is only a medium for something higher. Sometimes praise is used to help somebody to develop, as a tool.
  • 'To get the ducks in a row' one has to have knowledge. Only skills or only mood is not enough. Standards come from lifestyle, not from occupation, as it is thought of nowadays.
  • Vedic secondary is all pure, auspicious, efficient.
  • Krishna sees everyone on a transcendental platform, so He deals accordingly.
  • A little favorable attitude towards Krishna is better than a lot of hatred, even though Sisupala will get very serious results in his area.
  • Inimical attitude towards Krishna is not recommended, but some relationship is better than nothing.
  • We should not try to be like Sisupala, because we could not do so anyway.
  • Principle is to be connected to the Lord, but recommended things are much better to engage. Not recommended is not standard.
  • Demons are given as examples to show that the Lord is impartial. But their attitude should not be followed.
  • Originally Jaya and Vijaya wanted to give the Lord pleasure by fighting, so in the background it was favorable.
  • We should not preach to the faithless, because they won't necessarily chant the Lord's name while blaspheming.
  • Prabhupada gave the 10th canto immediately as the Krishna book, but it has the purports of all the 9 previous cantos.
  • We may talk paragraphs without saying one name of Krishna, but Sisupala is always chanting.
  • Topmost bhakti is all about Krishna, not just connected.
  • Devotees out of humility think demons are more absorbed in Krishna.
22nd Sep 2016 Lecture 2
  • Enmity creates more intense absorption. It is a secondary rasa, so it's more superficial. Only 5 primary rasas create sthayi-bhava.
  • The sins of the Lord's enemies will be removed, but still they get reaction for their enmity.
  • Except for Putana, not one demon went to Goloka.
  • We try to expose people to Krishna consciousness somehow or another, even if by chance they are inimical.
  • Any mood towards the Lord can be used to get liberation, but only favorable affection will take one into pastimes.
  • Narada Muni says, 'We the general devotees' = Srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda
  • Kubja has conjugal affection in connection to Krishna, not so much about Krishna. But for gopis it's all about Krishna.
  • Since we follow Narada Muni we must do devotional service as our process.
  • Those denying the form of Krishna go to hell, but those accepting His form attain salvation, even though they are inimical.
  • Even using unfavorable mediums connected to Krishna will give benefit, but one will get reaction from the unfavorable mediums.
  •  Lord's associates are always under Yogamaya. Hiranyakashipu's situation was arranged by Yogamaya, but it doesn't mean their mentality does not come under the sway of Mahamaya.
23nd Sep 2016 Lecture 1
  • By merging in Krishna's body Sisupala and Dantavakra went back to Godhead, since Vaikuntha is within Krishna.
  • Being killed by Nrsimhadeva and Rama, Jaya's and Vijaya's absorption was not so great. But Krishna is all attractive, so they were fully absorbed.
  • We think that the benefit and loss only has to do with the body. So we think the Lord is partial.
  • However we relate to the Lord, He will relate back, so there is no partiality. This is true even on the level of Brahman and Paramatma, but that cannot be called a personal interaction. Paramatma is a person, but we do not relate to Him as a person.
  • People shift personal and impersonal attitude for the sake of profit.
  • There is always the idea that occupation trumps ashrama, and therefore 3rd world countries are considered to be backwards.
  • People have so-called nice phrases to make bad things look good.
  • People are attached, they identify with the body therefore they are affected by affection and hatred.
  • Modern religions are based on fear, but still they get benefit from thinking about the Lord.
  • Shifting of president powers, Indras changing, Indian moped has come from heavenly planets.
  • Srila Prabhupada said relationship with Paramatma is realization of His material opulences, but Bhagavan is with complete opulences.
  • Environment is jnana-shakti.
  • In material world we think we are iccha-shakti, but actually it's all Krishna's.
  • Some managers immediately start the work, but some spend all time setting up their office. Actual hard-working people start with nothing.
  • Successful people understand all the mechanics, they have just never though of it in a spiritual way.
  • One cannot function nicely on the spiritual platform, unless one accepts how the Lord is equal to everyone.
  • One must consider the form of Krishna very seriously. We will focus on Him with affection, following our acaryas.
All comments.