This course is part of Sastra-Caksus, Year 1 and consists of 91 lectures, available on:

Given in Bhaktivedanta Academy, Sridham Mayapur, September 2010-April 2011

The following are lecture notes briefly delineating its contents.

  • Naishkarmya, activity with proper knowledge is not an impediment on the path of jnana
  • If one can just switch from material to spiritual activity, that's fine, but if the attachment is too strong, one may pull back and analyze, until attachment is not so strong anymore.

  • Krishna always recommends activity, mayavadis are the very bottom of the pile. Even they turn to philanthropic activities after some time.
  • 18:20 to 24 approx. Why many devotees loose enthusiasm after some time? To maintain enthusiasm in devotional service one has to always go deeper.
  • Knowledge of who we are, who God is plus ultimate goal of pleasing Krishna and willingness to perform an activity to do that through the knowledge that's necessary to do the activity and the knowledge of who we are, how Krishna is in everything - this is full picture, seeing things as they are.
  • Devotional process is seemingly elusive, because there are stages, but it's seamless, the stages are dependent upon consciousness, externally it may look the same. From sraddha to prema - they are not little boxes.
  • Emotions, relationships, activities, people etc. are all in the spiritual world, but the consciousness is different, so jnana-yoga, knowledge and analysis is used as bridge to distinguish material activities from spiritual, but for pure devotees there is no difference, therefore buddhi-yoga, activity in Krishna consciousness is better.
  • Devotees advance differently in different areas, we associate in such a way to be inspired to move forward.
  • Vedic verses that deal exclusively with worship of Vishnu constitute Pancaratra. Vaishnava sannyasis of the Bhagavata school are engaged in Pancaratric activities.
  • The best thing is to connect activities recommended in the scriptures to Krishna. But even if activity is not recommended in the scriptures, it may be connected to Krishna, and it is better than not connected scriptural activity.
  • We tend to separate good qualities from devotional service, because then we can get some benefit from them.
  • Mayavadis use word jugglery that sound great, but cannot be practically used. Devotees may also use it, like in political correctness: it sounds great, but does not give practical result. Diplomacy is different, because it establishes environment, in which things will be practically done. One should still endeavor to use proper words for the situation, but it's just for enhancing the situation, based on scriptures, for the purpose of Krishna consciousness.
  • Mayavadis use a lot of intelligence, but it's misdirected. But it's ultimately their emotion that they are God. Personal examples should not be used when talking to Mayavadis, because they cannot relate to them.
  • On Uttama adhikari platform one sees everyone as a spirit soul and no need to deal with the covering. On Madhyama platform one deals with the covering to access the spirit soul.
  • According to their own theories, Mayavadis should never teach or preach, because that would imply duality.
  • The 5 factors of action: the doer, the work, the situation, the endeavor and fortune - fortune, because the result depends on the Lord.
  • The work, situation and endeavor come from the material cause, fortune - from ultimate cause.
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