We are trying to find out what it is that you are interested in and why you are doing it. Because 'why' much of the time will establish what actually is the nature.
http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year1/bg101/2011-03-08-BVPS-BG-18.18-18.29-Entanglement-in-modes.mp3 This course is part of Sastra-Caksus, Year 1 and consists of 91 lectures, available on: http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/classes/bhagavad-gita-seriatim/ Given in Bhaktivedanta Academy, Sridham Mayapur, September 2010-April 2011 The following are lecture notes briefly delineating its contents. All the primary nouns are connected to the verb, all secondary nouns to the primary
MAN WOMAN INTERACTION LECTURE #14 Eger, Hungary https://usercontent.one/wp/bhaktividyapurnaswami.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/20070806_2_BVPS_Eger_Hungary.mp3 Mataji: What is the connection or... Connection between religious and spiritual?