Of all the senses, the most important is the speech. If the speech is engaged properly, then we will see, all the other senses we can bring into line. We can control what we speak about, the intelligence is controlled, so we can bring everything into line.
Full lecture transcription [link not active yet] http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/ms102/2012-04-02-Brihad-Manu-Siksa-3.35-62.mp3 Progeny from various rites of marriage liberate various numbers of family generations from sin. Boy's side approaching the girl is not as good as girl's side approaching the boy. Blameless marriages produce blameless children, blamable marriage produce blamable children.
Reading from Nectar of Instruction Study Guide: The devotee's duty is to practice forgiveness and show mercy. HH BVPS Maharaja: Because forgiveness, it's one of the, you could say, the shastras will talk that it's one of the prominent qualities of the brahmana, if not the most important, is forgiveness.
http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year1/bg101/2011-02-03-BVPS-BG-13.2-13.5-Using-culture-assisting-in-Parabrahman-realization.mp3 This course is part of Sastra-Caksus, Year 1 and consists of 91 lectures, available on: http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/classes/bhagavad-gita-seriatim/ Given in Bhaktivedanta Academy, Sridham Mayapur, September 2010-April 2011 The following are lecture notes briefly delineating its contents. There are 2 knowers of the field of the body - the soul and the