Full lecture transcription [link not active yet] http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/ms102/2012-04-02-Brihad-Manu-Siksa-3.35-62.mp3 Progeny from various rites of marriage liberate various numbers of family generations from sin. Boy's side approaching the girl is not as good as girl's side approaching the boy. Blameless marriages produce blameless children, blamable marriage produce blamable children.
http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/ms102/2012-03-29-Brihad-Manu-Siksa-2.208-217.mp3 Full lecture transcription [link not active yet] Honoring the wife and son of the teacher. Senior students in the Gurukula should also be honored. Teachers who teach great number of students, teach 10 of them, and they teach younger students. It is generally not recommended to take more than