Reading from Nectar of Instruction Study Guide (based on the essays of Bhaktivinoda Thakura): "But, when the home becomes unfavorable for his service, he then becomes eligible to leave home." HH BVPS Maharaja: So it's an eligibility, to leave home. Not just you don't like it in the home. Your
"Unless you can identify the quality of Kṛṣṇa that you are looking for, then you can't even see what is the connection. Because the point is is, it is not the game. The game is just a medium for that quality."
MAN WOMAN INTERACTION LECTURE #12 Eger, Hungary HH BVPS Maharaja: So your question. Mataji: It's connected to Mataji's question on gaining trust that you mentioned, Maharaja, that one has to take risk in this, and what should it mean exactly...?