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How To Fast And How Not To Fast On Ekādaśī
The whole mood of the vrata is that it’s about Kṛṣṇa, but here it’s just all about their inconvenience of fasting. So better they not fast. They will get more spiritual benefit.
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The Challenges of Modern Times
For Kṛṣṇa, spending time with the devotees - that is what is important. Just getting things done, He is already doing that as Paramātmā, and He is not with the devotees, that's why it is considered a lower level.
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Sci-Fi and Conspiracies – an Overindulgence in Fear
Just as you can overeat, oversleep, overindulge in sex, you can overindulge in fearing. So conspiracy theories are overindulgence in fear.
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Do the Ācāryas Understand the Material World?
"The conditioned soul is in ignorance. So he cannot actually understand things as it is, and he has flaws. Those from the spiritual world aren't under this. So the material world is easy because it is just a perverted reflection of what is in the spiritual world."
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Directing the Focus
"What I am and the reason people come to me, and what you are doing is inconsistent with that. How you are behaving and focusing is consistent with a sādhu who is focused on the Supreme Lord."
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Controlling the Speech Controls the Mind
Of all the senses, the most important is the speech. If the speech is engaged properly, then we will see, all the other senses we can bring into line. We can control what we speak about, the intelligence is controlled, so we can bring everything into line.
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“Forgive And Forget”
Forget doesn’t mean you are stupid. It doesn’t mean that if any symptoms come up of their previous behavior that wasn’t correct, you are not at that point not defending against it. It doesn’t mean you are just open and trust and therefore you get run over.
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Obtaining Real Knowledge
Knowledge said, 'Don't give me to someone who is not qualified, who is not interested.' So skills you might give, but the hidden meanings behind that, that is more important.
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Long Term Plans and Devotion
Whatever effort is put in long-term plans, that devotion - that always remains. But the external form, that comes and goes with how the world works.
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