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"There are 7 billion people on the planet, how many are experiencing what we are experiencing? Basically, only us. That's always the thing, we are always thinking, we want to share whatever our happiness is or distress is with others, because only we know what they are, others don't. If
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"Management is an art, it's something that shudras can do very nicely. There are shudras who their art is management, they are very expert, but they can't give shelter to people, they can only manage. So when you see management without shelter, you are dealing with vaishyas or shudras. But
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So the spiritual master is satisfied when he sees devotees eating Bhagavat-prasad, so this is one of the ornaments of a devotee, as he advances he is happy to see others eat. So those who become happy in seeing others eat or at least who are in a positive mood
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LECTURE CONTENT NOTES #1-#3 Puja classes 16-18 Apr 1998 Srila Prabhupada's letter on cleanliness Sikha #4 Puja class 21st Apr 1998 Dressing etiquette for women Cloth cleanliness for Deity worship Cleanliness standards for cotton, silk and woolen clothes Difference between cleanliness and purity
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The husband and wife are 100% equal at the time of conception of a child because it takes both of them equally to create a child. To conceive a child it's completely 50/50, there is a complete equality at that time. So the whole idea in the Vedic culture, because
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An old Back to Godhead Article including an interview with HH Bhaktividya Purna Svami Maharaja (Anirdesya Vapuh Prabhu).
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