Full lecture transcription [link not active yet] http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/ms102/2012-04-20-Brihad-Manu-Siksa-5.146-6.21.mp3 TOPIC 13 LAWS CONCERNING WOMEN Nothing must be done independently by a woman. Woman should never seek to separate from husband, father, son. Woman should always be cheerful, expert in house management, careful in cleaning and economical in expenditure.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rudlurn3pD8&w=536&h=397] QUESTIONS Q.1: It is said that a woman should serve Krishna through husband, and only in this way she will return to the spiritual world. What to do if due to various circumstances woman is alone, without a husband? HH BVPS Maharaja: Means, the devotee is serving Krishna.