Full lecture transcription [link not active yet] http://seminary.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/content/uploads/sc/year2/ms102/2012-04-23-Brihad-Manu-Siksa-6.72-7.16.mp3 Dualities of love and hatred are destroyed by suppression of breath. Sin is destroyed through focus in one's prescribed duty. Sensual attachment by restraint, and false identity by contemplation of distinction between matter and spirit and constitutional position of the soul. Sin
MAN WOMAN INTERACTION LECTURE #20 Eger, Hungary https://usercontent.one/wp/bhaktividyapurnaswami.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/20070809_BVPS_Eger_Hungary.mp3 HH BVPS Maharaja: So we see in conclusion of this process of buddhi-yoga is that one is trying to engage oneself fully in Krishna's service. So body, mind and words are then engaged according to one's natural propensities, and in that way