MAN WOMAN INTERACTION LECTURE #8 Eger, Hungary HH BVPS Maharaja: Who is the Saci-suta? Mataji: He is not here. HH BVPS Maharaja: He is not here, I see. That makes it that much easier. [Laughter] I can answer in 5 minutes, and he is not here to complain. [Laughter]
CHAPTER 17 started on 12th Apr 2016 Lecture 2 at about 47:25 Verses 1-10 Everywhere in the Holy Dhama there is the water of the Ganges, but still bathing directly in her brings out a more personal aspect. Ganga skips most varshas in her descent, so we are very fortunate to
MAN WOMAN INTERACTION LECTURE #17 Eger, Hungary HH BVPS Maharaja: So where were we? Who was asking the question? Oh, you were. Prabhu: I would like understand nature according to work.
Secondary creation, that's where you are actually dealing with the material world, that's where things are actually functioning. So this is where you have to make the connection. Means, the origin is always on the other side of the Viraja river, but the connection is always on this side. Philosophy,