Imagine being able to easily locate any topic in the thousands of lectures given by HH Bhaktividyā Pūrṇa Svāmī! Our new website and mobile app will give you this opportunity. Please help us to make this a reality - all of Mahārāja’s lectures transcribed and searchable by topics, categories and keywords.
Many devotees who regularly hear from Mahārāja have expressed their desire to be able to easily find various topics that Mahārāja is speaking on, but currently only a small fraction of the lectures are transcribed and searchable on our present website Through advancement of artificial intelligence in the area of speech recognition we now have the opportunity to make all of Mahārāja’s lectures automatically transcribed and searchable in a short time. The AI transcriptions are currently 95% accurate, and the website and application users will be able to send in any transcription errors which they may find, to the website/app team. The search tools can find any keywords in the transcribed lectures, as well as in the sound (audio), bookmarking the exact locations in the audio where the speaker mentions particular keywords. The layout for the website and app will be well structured and easy to navigate.
You can find out more about the project and how you can help here:
Please help us to make a reality this exciting project where the legacy and profound teachings of HH Bhaktividyā Pūrṇa Svāmī Mahārāja will be more available, preserved and easily searched!