Full lecture transcription [link not active yet] Honoring the wife and son of the teacher. Senior students in the Gurukula should also be honored. Teachers who teach great number of students, teach 10 of them, and they teach younger students. It is generally not recommended to take more than Full lecture transcription [link not active yet] One who is not up to a particular standard and properly initiation, should not pronounce the Vedic mantras. We should be wearing whatever is the prescribed dress of our sampradaya. DUTIES OF BRAHMACHARYA Maximum rules on purity is described in the section dealing
ttp:// Full Lecture Transcription [Link not active yet] ACARYA Acarya is one who is teaching the practical application and philosophical significance. Subteacher who teaches a particular portion or aspect of the Veda is called upadhyaya (Jyotisha, music etc). Modern teachers are all upadhyayis because acarya means one who knows the
Secondary creation, that's where you are actually dealing with the material world, that's where things are actually functioning. So this is where you have to make the connection. Means, the origin is always on the other side of the Viraja river, but the connection is always on this side. Philosophy,