If we are following the order of the Spiritual Master very strictly, then that is our dharma. So one is following dharma, but now the material dharma becomes replaced with the instruction of the Spiritual Master.
A brāhmana should always fear homage as if it were poison; and constantly desire to suffer scorn as though he would long for nectar. For he who is scorned may sleep with an easy mind, but the scorner utterly perishes.
MAN WOMAN INTERACTION LECTURE #8 Eger, Hungary https://usercontent.one/wp/bhaktividyapurnaswami.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/20070803_2_BVPS_Eger_Hungary.mp3 HH BVPS Maharaja: Who is the Saci-suta? Mataji: He is not here. HH BVPS Maharaja: He is not here, I see. That makes it that much easier. [Laughter] I can answer in 5 minutes, and he is not here to complain. [Laughter]
MAN WOMAN INTERACTION LECTURE #7 Eger, Hungary https://usercontent.one/wp/bhaktividyapurnaswami.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/20070803_1_BVPS_Eger_Hungary.mp3 HH BVPS Maharaja: So we'll begin with these questions on the varnashrama. So it opens with... Written question: Problem nowadays, how to realize Daivi-varnashrama? HH BVPS Maharaja: It's a matter of understanding. Only if you understand then you can actually apply. First
Kali-rāja knows: you break down restriction, you break down relationships. You break down relationships, people can't work together. People can't work together, you cannot have saṅkīrtana.