Generally, most places, most authorities do engage people in proper activities, though they as persons may be hard to deal with, so as long as that is there, then it is an opportunity to develop humility, tolerance, forgiveness.
Kṛṣṇa is always saying, 'Perform your duty,' because then there is a relationship. But otherwise, [Arjuna] is leaving the battle out of fear of loss. It seems very nice that he is going and giving up, and compassion, and going to the forest, but it is actually fear of loss.
Prabhupāda doesn't go, 'Oh, a bunch of dirty hippies, what can we do?' No, he sees that they have caught this aspect of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, therefore then he cultivates. That is why he could do it and his Godbrothers couldn't.
Without faith you cannot move forward. But because we are coming from a faithless background, therefore breaking of faith is normal. Dogs bark and mundaners break faith.