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- Discharge of semen is purified by bathing.
- A woman is purified after a miscarriage after as many days and months as had elapsed after conception.
- After menstrual period woman becomes personally pure on 4th day after bathing, but she cannot perform rituals until her flow has completely ceased. If woman suffers from uterine hemorrhage she is not affected by uncleanliness.
- Usually women in traditional Indian houses spend menstruation in special area that is complete on its own.
- The body and mind is impure in menstruation.
- One who remembers Krishna is always pure, but it does not mean that these rules do not matter. The soul is pure, but body is impure. If women cannot relate to it, that is the sign of their less-intelligence.
- If we are not the body, why there has to be a woman's day to give class? If somebody is qualified to give class, they should give class, not based on body.
- Some women from brahmana families take darshan from outside the temple when in their period.
- The period of impurity is 10 days after death. If one lives at a distant place and hears about a death after a week, one will only be impure for 3 more days.
- One avoids coming to the temple after relative's death if all one is going to think about is the dead relative. Worship of the Lord is transcendental, but we have to be transcendental also.
- The periods of impurity are different for different varnas, because for shudras the attachment is the greatest.
- Physical impurity is passed by touching, mental is not.
- 'Bathing with clothes on' means one is more conscious.
- One should not unnecessarily prolong the period of mourning, or stop sacrifices due to such impurities.
- Brahmana is contaminated only by unclean contact.
- Libations of water are not offered to those who have not performed their duties, ascetics, those who have committed suicide, badly behaved women.
- Student does not become impure by carrying to cremation his teacher, mother, father. Also kings don't become impure, as well as those following a vow.
- There is no period of impurity for those died in a battlefield, struck by lightning, executed by the king, or those died fighting for cows and brahmanas (they are immediately elevated).
- Brahmana should not be carried to cremation by shudras, if anybody else is available.
- Ways how men and things become purified: knowledge of Brahman, austerities, fire, holy food, earth, restriction of the mind, water, cow dung, wind, sun, sacred rites, time.
- If one's occupation is pure, one will be pure.
- Those who are learned have to be forgiving. One who has committed a forbidden act is purified by liberality (it also refers to charity). If one has committed sin without anybody knowing, one has to perform spiritual activities.
- River is purified by current, woman by menstrual flow, brahmana by sannyasa.
- Washing one's feet before eating makes them cool and makes blood flow towards the stomach.
- 44:50 Mudras shown during Deity pujas have the benefits of full yoga asanas
- Each and every Vedic rule has detailed metaphysical explanations. When we practice we start to understand them.
- Purification of various materials.
- Conchshell is purified by mustard powder.
- A calf is pure when it sucks the milk, and a dog when he catches a deer.
- Others' shadow does not make one impure.
- 12 impurities of human body.
- How many times parts of body and hands actually need to be washed to be considered clean. But even after so much washing, demigods still wonder what is that smell when we are around.
- Shudras and brahmanas both shave because they are both in the mood of servant.
- Purification through acamana and touching earlobe.
- In causes of danger first concern should be protecting one's body; when healthy - piety. In distress one should not worry about rules of purity.